Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Scream A Scream of Love - a poem inspired by the documentary "Half the Sky"

(click here to buy the book)

This is a poem I wrote inspired by the plight of women
as depicted in Half the Sky
Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Scream A Scream of Love 
by Sharee Anne Gorman

My body lies bruised
lies broken
but my wounded heart still beats
it tells me I'm still breathing
it keeps the rhythm of my dreams.

I dream of voices
soft and gentle
of safe and loving arms
of laughter and contentment
of a world that's free of harm.

To feel the hands of kindness
I will lift my body up.
I will fill my lungs with purpose
to scream a scream of love.

A scream to shatter darkness
to call the broken home.
To build a place where we are free
and no one dies alone.

Many bodies bruised and broken
but our wounded heart still beats
it tells us we’re still breathing
it keeps the rhythm
of our dreams...


Thank you Nicholas and Sheryl (and everyone that was involved with this documentary) for showing the plight of vulnerable women and children around the world and for highlighting the incredible strength women posses to heal themselves and the world around them.

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