Thursday, March 20, 2014

Did You Help Save the World Today? Well, You CAN!!

Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages
A New People Movement to End Corporate Hegemony!
When secret trade-agreements like the TPP start to pass we are seeing the future of oppression written out in contractual agreements with global implications.
What corporations don't want us to look at is that PROFIT COMES FROM SOMEWHERE.
Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages is a new global people movement. We created this petition asking President Obama to enact a world-wide labor treaty for living wages because economic inequality and social injustice is suffocating the natural gifts and resources of our human potential.
The corporate ethos of "Profits Over People" is quite literally killing the world...destroying nations, enslaving the vulnerable and poisoning our planet.
In order to bring balance back to our Earth and restore dignity to our civil unions we must take back the power of people-driven politics, so that we may rein-in runaway corporate abuses and growing shareholder hegemony.
Please SIGN and SHARE this petition to President Obama for a Global Labor Treaty for Living Wages
If we CHANGE the way BUSINESS is done in the world - WE *CAN* CHANGE THE WORLD!! 

Please, "like", "tweet", "G+", "Pin us", "email us" and any other method of communication you can think of...including well-trained Carrier Pigeons :)

Thank you SUPER HEROES for helping to save the world!

Thank you for spreading the news!

Sharee Anne Gorman

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